Visual and Performing Arts Department Curriculum
Digital Arts
- Digital Arts I
- Digital Arts II
- Digital Arts III
- Photography I
- Photography II
- Advanced Photography III
Digital Arts I
Digital Arts I
Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12
Credits: 5
Prerequisite: None
College Prep: CSU/UC “f” Visual and Performing Arts
This introductory course will focus on the basics of digital design. Additionally, storytelling, digital photography and the technologies behind their creation and manipulation will be explored. Students learn to use the elements of art and principles of design while they create projects in the Adobe Creative Suite using Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator. Students will study Digital Art Practices and Trends, learn the differences between Raster and Vector Graphics, Typography and Image Manipulation Techniques. Students will develop an ability to think critically, and apply design principles and elements of art to evaluate aesthetic components of their work and the work of other professionals. Students will apply their knowledge to the creation and development process of their own digital projects.
Digital Arts II
Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12
Credits: 5
Prerequisite: Completion of Digital Arts I
College Prep: CSU/UC “f” Visual and Performing Arts
Digital Arts III
Digital Arts III
Grade: 10,11,12
Credits: 5
Prerequisite: Completion of Digital Arts II
College Prep: CSU/UC “f” Visual and Performing Arts
This advanced course will give students the opportunity to develop independent concepts. Students will be mentored through the process of coming up with unique ideas, and designing finished products while using the digital software of their choice. Students will experiment with printmaking, digital photography, videography, advertising and digital marketing. Final products will include a digital art portfolio that demonstrates mastery of the skills acquired in Digital Arts I, II & III.
Photography I
Photography I
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Credits: 5
Prerequisite: None
College Prep: CSU/UC “f” Visual and Performing Arts
This semester based course is an introductory course to digital photography. Students will learn basic digital SLR camera operation using a school provided camera. Creativity, the elements of art and principles of design, strong visual composition will be an emphasis in this course. Photo editing software including Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom will be introduced and used for developing successful imagery. The historical development of modern day photography, famous artist and photographers and cultural influences and differences will be explored. Students will be able to link photography to other art forms and disciplines and will understand its applications to careers within contemporary society. Students will keep a photo journal and create a website portfolio to showcase their work.
Photography II
Photography II
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Credits: 5
Prerequisite: Photography I
College Prep: CSU/UC “f” Visual and Performing Arts
Photography II is a semester based course in intermediate digital photography. Students will further develop their skills in camera operation and procedures by building on the skills introduced in the first semester. Students will learn to work with more technically advanced photographic equipment and challenging lighting conditions. Photo editing software including Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom will be used to manipulate and alter images to develop successful digital prints. Students will continue to critically evaluate their work and will engage in ongoing study of the history of photography. The implementation of more advanced techniques with lighting, alternate methods, and image sequencing will be used to expand students’ composition and visual storytelling skills. A strong concentration of contemporary photographic artists and the impact of imagery in the modern world will also be explored.
Advanced Photography III
Advanced Photography III
Grades: 10, 11, 12
Credits: 5
Prerequisite: Photography II
College Prep: CSU/UC “f” Visual and Performing Arts
This is a semester based advanced course for students who are interested in the study and production of photographic art. Students will continue to work on techniques, subject matter and composition to refine imagery and develop their own unique creative voice. Students will utilize a photo journal and work to create a cumulative digital portfolio showcase. Advanced visual literacy and visual communication skills will be further developed. Historical and contemporary topics will be evident in student work and /or through class discussion.
Performing Arts
- Dance I
- Dance II
- Dance III/IV
- Performance Dance I/II (Varsity and JV)
- Theater Productions I
- Theater Productions II
- Beginning Choir I / II (Cantabile)
- Advanced Choir I/II (Bella Voce)
- AP Music Theory
Dance I
Dance I
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Credits: 5
Prerequisite: None
College Prep: CSU/UC “f” Visual and Performing Arts
Students in Performance Dance I study the history of ballet and jazz dance and practice traditional jazz technique. Fundamentals of ballet, modern and jazz are covered. Students demonstrate their grasp of technique & expression at the end of the semester performing in the Winter Cabaret. A December evening performance is required.
Dance II
Dance II
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Credits: 5
Prerequisite: Completion of Dance I or teacher approval
College Prep: CSU/UC “f” Visual and Performing Arts
Dance II builds on the technique learned in Dance I and explores the basic elements of choreography. Students will create choreography and perform it in the Spring Dance Concert. Two out-of-class rehearsals and three performances during one week in May are required.
Dance III/IV
Dance III / IV
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Credits: 5
Prerequisite: Dance I & II or teacher approval
College Prep: CSU/UC “f” Visual and Performing Arts
Intermediate to advanced dance class is for students who have taken Dance I and Dance II or have had previous dance experience. Students will continue to study the history of ballet and jazz dance while building on their dance techniques in ballet, jazz, modern and tap. Class culminates in a Spring Dance Concert.
Performance Dance I/II (Varsity and JV)
Performance Dance I / II (Varsity/JV)
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Credits: 5
Prerequisite: By audition only - auditions held in May before the new school year
College Prep: CSU/UC “f” Visual and Performing Arts
This course is for advanced dancers who are committed to expanding their technique, knowledge and professionalism in a range of styles including Street, Lyrical, Jazz, Modern Jazz & Theatrical Jazz. The course also includes visits from master teachers and choreographers and written assignments. Performing for the school, for the local community, and for competitions in dance recitals is mandatory. Practice times including weekend and evening commitments will be determined and discussed at tryouts. There is a $3700 participation fee and other fundraising commitments.
Theater Productions I
Theater Productions I
Grade: 9-12
Credits: 5
Prerequisite: None
College Prep: CSU/UC “f” Visual and Performing Arts
This course is designed to introduce the history, art, and skills of theater production. Students will learn the basic history of theater and discover the many elements necessary to produce live theater. Students overview the subject of theater production by working together as an artistic company to produce scenes; by reading and analyzing articles, reviews and scripts; by listening to guest lectures and viewing of live and taped theater productions; by writing essays and reviews and by doing hands-on projects in mask-making, acting, directing and producing.
Theater Productions II
Theater Productions II
Grades: 9-12
Credits: 5
Prerequisite: Introduction to Theater Production I
College Prep: CSU/UC “f” Visual and Performing Arts
Building on the basic concepts learned in Introduction Theater I: Production, this course offers in-depth, hands-on projects to teach theater creation skills, such as conceptualizing, theoretical concept communication, set and costume design, directing, producing, acting, playwriting and technical theater management. A play script is analyzed and studied with an emphasis on theme, style, concept and artistic creativity. Improvisation skills, character building techniques and color and design theory are also taught. The history of the American musical theater, from its inception to present day Broadway, is studied in depth.
Beginning Choir I / II (Cantabile)
Beginning Choir I / II (Cantabile)
Grade: 9-12
Credits: 10
Prerequisite: None
College Prep: CSU/UC “f” Visual and Performing Arts
Students will learn the basics of proper singing techniques, explore various styles of choral music from multiple genres and time periods, learn to read music, begin basic music theory, and work on sight singing, rhythmic reading and ear training.
Cantabile performs at school events such as the ITS Concert, Talent Show, Winter Concert and Spring Concert. The choir also participates in CMEA Large Group Festival and a Music In the Parks Festival every spring. Involvement in Cantabile will give students the tools to later audition for Bella Voce if desired.
Advanced Choir I/II (Bella Voce)
Advanced Choir I / II (Bella Voce)
Grades: 9-12
Credits: 10
Prerequisite: By Audition Only
College Prep: CSU/UC “f” Visual and Performing Arts
Bella Voce is an auditioned group that will remain relatively small in number, ideally ranging from 24 to 32 singers. This select choir is a yearlong commitment that requires dedication and hard work, but reaps countless rewards. Members are honored with opportunities for travel, friendships built on shared experiences, and memories that last a lifetime!
Singers may be from any grade and typically have experience singing in ensembles and are able to read music. Students study proper vocal production and choral singing techniques, explore music from various styles, genres, and time periods, and learn ear-training, sight-singing, and rhythm-reading skills.
AP Music Theory
AP Music Theory
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Credits: 10
Prerequisite: There are no prerequisite courses for AP Music Theory. However, prospective students should be able to read and write musical notation and have basic performance skills with voice or an instrument.
College Prep: CSU/UC “f” Visual and Performing Arts
The AP Music Theory course focuses on concepts and skills emphasized within introductory college music theory courses, with the goal of helping students become sophisticated and thoughtful music listeners, performers, and composers. AP Music Theory students learn to recognize, understand, describe, and produce the basic elements and processes of performed and notated music. To become proficient with these skills, students need to consistently practice applying course concepts through aural analysis, score analysis, sight-singing, dictation, and composition.
Visual Arts
- 3D Arts I: Ceramics and Sculpture
- 3D Arts II: Intermediate Ceramics and Sculpture
- 3D Arts III: Advanced Ceramics and Sculpture
- 2D Art I: Drawing, Painting, and Mixed Media
- 2D Art II: Intermediate Drawing, Painting and Mixed Media
- 2D Art III: Advanced Drawing, Painting and Mixed Media
- AP Studio Art
3D Arts I: Ceramics and Sculpture
3D Arts I: Ceramics and Sculpture
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Credits: 5
Prerequisite: None
College Prep: CSU/UC “f” Visual and Performing Arts
This is an introductory course for students primarily interested in three-dimensional art work. Design and creation of both aesthetic and functional objects is emphasized. Whether the objects are utilitarian or aesthetic, a regard for quality of craftsmanship and design is stressed. Students will primarily use clay but will also have the opportunity to explore other media such as glass, plaster, wood, metal, cardboard, and enamels. Students will gain an appreciation for handcrafted articles as they reflect on our past and present culture.
3D Arts II: Intermediate Ceramics and Sculpture
3D Arts II: Intermediate Ceramics and Sculpture
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Credits: 5
Prerequisite: 3D Arts I or Ceramics I or Design I
College Prep: CSU/UC “f” Visual and Performing Arts
This is an intermediate course for students interested in further exploring three-dimensional art works. Students will further their knowledge and appreciation of design with more depth and complexity, as well as increase their skills in handling materials and tools. Students will continue to use clay and the potters wheel while also being introduced to various new media. Experimentation and individualized instruction are encouraged.
3D Arts III: Advanced Ceramics and Sculpture
3D Arts III: Advanced Ceramics and Sculpture
Grades: 10,11,12
Credits: 5
Prerequisite: 3D Arts II or Design II
College Prep: CSU/UC “f” Visual and Performing Arts
This is an advanced course for highly motivated students interested in the study and production of three-dimensional art. Students will work more independently to design and create artworks which exemplify their personal voice. Students will need to work not only in the classroom but outside of class, too. Students will continue to work on techniques, subject matter and design and will continue to expand their knowledge and appreciation of art and art history. A final portfolio will be submitted at the end of the semester.
2D Art I: Drawing, Painting, and Mixed Media
2D Art I: Drawing, Painting, and Mixed Media
Grades: 9,10,11,12
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: None
College Prep: CSU/UC “f” Visual and Performing Art
This is an introductory course that provides the student an opportunity to explore the elements and principles of 2 dimensional art such as line, shape, color, form, value and texture. Students will be introduced to a variety of media including: graphite, pastels, pen and ink, charcoal, Procreate, tempera, watercolor and acrylic paint, printmaking and collage. Drawing is considered to be an important process to a painter; it helps build ideas and compositions. To encourage and develop a student’s skills, they will keep a sketchbook and a digital portfolio. Basic visual literacy and visual communication skills will be instructed. A basic survey of art history will be covered.
2D Art II: Intermediate Drawing, Painting and Mixed Media
2D Art II: Intermediate Drawing, Painting and Mixed Media
Grades: 9,10,11,12
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: 2D Art I or Drawing and Painting I
College Prep: CSU/UC “f” Visual and Performing Art
This is an intermediate art course. Further refinement of drawing, painting and mixed media skills will be the primary focus, but various art making practices and new media may be introduced such as pastel painting, colored pencil, mixed media, scratchboard, and masking. Visual literacy and visual communication skills will be further developed. Students will keep a sketchbook and use a digital portfolio. The emphasis will be on demonstrating growth through process and creativity and innovative thinking. Art history and cultural experience from various artists' visual perspectives will be covered. Historical and contemporary topics will be evident in student work and /or through class discussion.
2D Art III: Advanced Drawing, Painting and Mixed Media
2D Art III: Advanced Drawing, Painting and Mixed Media
Grades: 10,11,12
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: 2D Art II or Drawing and Painting II
College Prep: CSU/UC “f”Visual and Performing Art
This is an advanced course for students who are interested in designing and creating two dimensional artworks. Students will focus around a specialized area of Two dimensional art and the exploration of a variety of media and techniques. In addition, Students will be directed in developing their own creative voice and work to create a portfolio. Advanced visual literacy and visual communication skills will be further developed. Historical and contemporary topics will be evident in student work and /or through class discussion.
AP Studio Art
AP Studio Art
Grades: 10,11, 12
Credits: 10
Prerequisite: Completion of Advanced Art I and II or Level III Visual Arts course.
College Prep: CSU/UC “f” Visual and Performing Arts
This course is a rigorous freshman-level college course and is designed for students who are interested in pursuing art at the college level with the opportunity to earn college credit. Students will need to work five or more hours outside of class to produce a creative, excellent portfolio and will need to complete an artwork every two weeks. This schedule will enable students to submit a portfolio of their artwork to the CollegeBoard at the beginning of May. The portfolio will consist of two sections: Sustained Investigation (15 digital images of their artwork) and Quality (5 actual artworks sent to the College Board). The first section is worth 60% of the final score, and the second is worth 40%.
AP Art is a rigorous first year college-level art course. As in an introductory college course, students will work both inside and outside the classroom to create and to complete an excellent quality artwork. Students will research, explore, and push ideas and mediums while developing their personal voice. Students will turn in an artwork every two weeks to produce a portfolio by the end of April. The student will decide which art discipline they wish to submit their work under - AP 2d Art & Design, AP 3D Art & Design or AP Drawing. This is a year-long course.