Introduction to Leadership
This workshop is an introduction to the Leadership Academy and leadership at Presentation High School. Participants will explore leadership philosophies, characteristics of leaders, and gain information about the Academy. This workshop is required for all new members.
Ethics and Integrity
Leadership constantly challenges us with difficult decisions. This workshop explores the idea of leadership as service and the effect that has on decision making. This workshop is required for all new members.
Vision, Mission and Goal Setting
Learn how to define your vision for a group, write a mission statement and create goals that bring the vision and mission to life.
Project Management
You’ll learn a set of skills and processes that will enable you to define, plan, execute, and analyze a project.
Communication I
You’ll work on improving your verbal communication skills with an emphasis on content as well as delivery.
Digital Communication
You’ll learn how to appropriately use digital technologies to communicate professionally and effectively.
Team Building I
You’ll learn how to identify and work with different personalities as well as create effective teams.
Team Building II
You’ll experience how essential it is to work with all members of your team.
Advanced Ethics and Integrity
This is the last workshop for the Leadership Academy. It explores practical application of ethical decision-making in your leadership roles. Only sign up if you have completed the other workshops.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
You’ll learn about applications of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion to leadership through participation in the Ethnic Studies Academy workshops.
Capstone Project Planning
You will meet with the Leadership Director to brainstorm ideas for Capstone Projects.